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Create Basic Workflow

Appsmith Workflows allow you to automate processes, bringing efficiency and connectivity to your applications. This tutorial guides you through the process of setting up a basic workflow, configuring it as a webhook trigger, integrating and triggering the workflow execution from your Appsmith app.

To learn workflows in Appsmith, you'll build workflow that sends a welcome notification email when new users join your organization. By the end of this tutorial, you will know how to:

  • Create a workflow and configure it as a webhook
  • Trigger the workflow from an external app (Postman)


Before you start, make sure you have the following:

Create workflow

Follow these steps to build a notification workflow:

To send notifications to the users you will create a workflow, and configure it as a webhook. Follow these steps to create a webhook workflow within your workspace. The newly created workflow can be accessed in all apps in the same workspace:

  1. Click the Create New button in your workspace, and choose Workflow. This action creates a new workflow in your workspace and takes you to the Main JS object code editor. Give a meaningful and unique name to your workflow by editing the name Untitled Workflow 1 to Send_Email_Workflow.

  2. In the Main JS object code editor, you will see the executeWorkflow function (as shown below). This function executes whenever a workflow run is triggered. It serves as the main function for writing your logic. You'll update the executeWorkflow() function and add code in the Write code in workflow to trigger email section.

    export default {
    * Entry point for Workflow execution. All activities to be executed should be defined here.
    * @param data This function takes in a json object as arguments (data) which can be passed when you trigger the workflow.
    * @returns boolean Shall return true or false.
    async executeWorkflow(data) {
    // start writing your code here.

    return true;

You've created your first workflow.

Configure SMTP datasource

To send notifications from the workflow, you will need to set up an SMTP datasource and connect it with an email service provider. Follow these steps to set up an SMTP datasource:

  1. Click the Data tab. Click the + icon next to Datasources in your workspace to add a new SMTP datasource.

  2. Give it a meaningful and unique name. For example, Send_Email_SMTP

  3. Enter the following details in the SMTP connection parameter fields:

    • Host Address: Add in the SMTP host address field.
    • Port: Add 587 in the SMTP port field.
    • Username: Add in the Username field.
    • Password: Add the below key in the SMTP password field.
  4. Test and save the datasource configuration.

Write query to send email

Follow these steps to write a query for sending email:

  1. Add a query to send a welcome email to the user and configure it as shown below:

    • Rename the query to Send_Welcome_Email
    • Commands - Select Send email.
    • From Email - Add
    • To Email - Add your email address in this field.
    • Subject - Add Welcome to the Team!.
    • Body - Add the below text:
      Dear Employee,

      Welcome to the team!

      We're thrilled to have you on board and look forward to working together.
      Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need help.

      Let's achieve great heights together!

      Best regards,
  2. Click the Run button to send an email. Check your inbox, you must have received an email from

  3. Update the Send_Welcome_Email query and remove your email from the To field, and add {{this.params.send_email_to}} to it. Adding {{this.params.send_email_to}} replaces the parameter send_email_to with the actual value at run time.

  4. Go to the Main JS object and update the executeworkflow() function to read the email sent as a parameter.

    export default {
    async executeWorkflow(data) {
    //pass email `send_email_to` the query to send email
    const response = await{"send_email_to":});
    // log the response

    return true;
  5. Click the Publish button to publish your latest changes.

You've successfully integrated the email query in workflow.

Configure Webhook trigger

Follow these steps to configure a webhook trigger for the workflow:

  1. Click the gear icon ⚙️ in the bottom left corner to configure the workflow settings.
  2. Toggle the Webhook trigger property to configure the workflow as a webhook.
  3. Copy and save the URL and the Bearer Token. If you wish to connect your workflow with an external app then you will need the URL and the Bearer Token. You'll see this in action in the Send email using Postman section.
  4. Click the Publish button in the top right corner to publish your workflow.

You've configured the webhook trigger for the workflow, and it can be integrated and triggered from external apps.

Send email using Postman

To simulate the workflow connection from external app, you will use Postman and execute the workflow. Follow these steps to trigger the workflow execution:

  1. Launch the Postman application on your system.
  2. Click on the New button, and choose HTTP request in Postman to create a new request.
  3. Choose the HTTP method as POST.
  4. Enter the workflow URL you copied in the Configure Webhook trigger section.
  5. On the Body tab, select raw, and add the below code in the request body. Here you are setting the parameter value for send_email_to. Remember to replace <add_your_email_address> with your email.
    "email": "<add_your_email_address>"

  6. Click the Send button to execute the request.
  7. The below response is generated, and you will receive an email from
    "success": true,
    "message": "Workflow instance started running successfully",
    "data": {
    "workflowInstanceId": "workflowInstance-rjwbe41QF1P1s90YwYw-1"

You've successfully executed your first workflow externally, and can integrate the workflow in your external or Appsmith app.

🚩 Congratulations. You have built your first workflow, configured it as a webhook and integrated it with an external app (Postman).

In this tutorial, you explored how to create a workflow, pass parameters to the workflow, configure a webhook trigger for it, and execute workflow from an external app (Postman). You can use these skills to build your own workflow and integrate it with your apps.

Happy Workflow Building!

See also