Trigger UI Actions
This guide shows you how to initiate and manage UI workflows, which allows you to trigger multiple queries or JavaScript functions in response to user actions. They can be executed serially, in parallel, or conditionally to create complex, dynamic behaviors.
Execute actions in a specific order
There is an event listener associated with every widget that can be configured to perform various actions. To execute actions in a specific order, you can chain them using the action selector. You can create multiple Events and OnSuccess callbacks to trigger different actions in a series.
In the event property, click the + icon and select the action you want to execute. For instance, set the Submit Button's onClick event to execute a update query.
Set the onSuccess callback to perform additional actions upon successful completion of the specified action. For instance, you can use the onSuccess callback to execute a fetch query or to close the Modal.
To set up multiple onSuccess callbacks, click the + icon within the callback configuration, and select the desired actions.
You can only execute two levels of onSuccess callbacks from the UI. To add additional callbacks, enable JS and and add your code, like:
{{ => {;
Learn more about Global Functions.
Execute actions in parallel
To execute actions in parallel, you can add multiple action selectors for a specific event.
In the event property, click the + icon and select the action you want to execute. For instance, set the Submit Button's onClick event to execute a status change query.
Create a new onClick event by clicking the + icon and set it to execute another action. For instance, set it to run a query that logs the status change.
Additionally, you can enable JS next to events and add your code, like:
showAlert('Update Success', 'success');}}
You can create multiple Events and OnSuccess callbacks to trigger different actions in parallel.
Execute actions conditionally
This section covers conditional query execution, allowing queries to be executed based on user input or based on the results of previous queries. You can enable JS next to the event and add your code.
Based on user input
Example: If you want to conditionally queries execute based on the option selected in the Select widget.
Select_Category.selectedOptionValue === 'Categories' ? :;
In the above code, if the selected option is Categories, it triggers the fetchCategories
query; otherwise, it runs the fetchProducts
Based on query response
If you want to execute a action based on the response from another query, you can enable JS and add your JS Code. Alternatively, you can create a JSObject and define a JavaScript function for the desired logic.
- Create a JSObject and define a function to execute custom JavaScript logic.
Example: When the user selects Pending from the status dropdown, the system triggers a fetchPendingUsers
'query. Subsequently, it displays a relevant alert based on whether there are pending users or not.
function fetchData() {
if (statusDropdown.selectedOptionValue === "Pending") { => {
if ( === 0) {
showAlert("No Users Pending Approval", "info");
} else {
showAlert("Fetched Users", "success");
} else {;
- In the event property, enable JS and call the JS function, like:
Disable action
To disable an action based on specific criteria, you can use JS in the Disabled property of the widget.
Example: If specific criteria are not met, you want to disable the Refund button on the customer dashboard. Enable JS for Disabled property, and add:
lst_orderHistory.triggeredItem.payment_method === 'Cash On Delivery' ||
lst_orderHistory.triggeredItem.delivery_status === "Canceled" ||
lst_orderHistory.triggeredItem.refund >= lst_orderHistory.triggeredItem.amount
This code determines whether to disable the Refund button on the customer dashboard based on conditions related to payment method, delivery status, and refund amount.